Diverse Boston neighborhoods recruited for sweeping study of genetics and health outcomes

GBH News |
September 2021
Press, Radio

“Medical researchers in Boston are helping sign up one million volunteers for a first-of-its-kind study [The All of Us Research Program] examining the link between genes and our health. Researchers are actively recruiting volunteers of different races and ethnicities to ensure that the study reflects the diversity of the United States.”

Would you want to know the secrets hidden in your baby’s genes?

November 2016
Press, Radio

Conducting whole-exome sequencing on newborn babies during the BabySeq project highlighted important findings on how it would affect parents. While some were willing to know the information that was coded in their baby’s genes, many were resistant to this idea because of public policy and possible insurance mishaps.

Many parents reluctant to test newborn DNA for disease risk

October 2016

A family that had participated in the BabySeq project shares their experiences about getting their baby’s full genome test results back that showed a mutation in the elastin proteins (elastin helps heart muscles bend and stretch). The father of the baby states “.. I think the biggest regret would have been had something happened down … Continued

This American Life #577: Something only I can see

January 2016

An extremely interesting case study and audio report by journalist David Epstein tells the story of Jill Viles, who has muscular dystrophy and can’t walk. But she believes that she somehow has same condition as one of the best hurdlers in the world, Priscilla Lopes-Schliep. Epstein reaches out to Dr. Robert Green for professional medical … Continued

23andMe is jumping back into the market

Medical Xpress |
October 2015
Press, Radio

Dr. Robert Green shares his insight on the 23andMe initiative and what people should know from these results. “I think this is something that has to be monitored as these services expand their market to less-sophisticated individuals.”