Would you have your newborn genetically tested?

The Doctors |
March 2018
Press, Video

Dr. Robert C. Green talks about The BabySeq Project, the world’s first study of genetically sequencing newborns, and how genetic information can influence one’s medical care beginning from birth.

Genome sequencing for healthy people: Will it be harmful?

Medium |
March 2018
G2P Blog

The second piece of a 2-part blog series authored by Dr. Robert C. Green. An early study found no problems related to unnecessary or harmful medical follow-ups after healthy people received their genome sequencing results. To read the first piece, visit: https://medium.com/@genomes2people/genome-sequencing-for-healthy-people-will-it-be-helpful-b984b94e3d3f

Does genome sequencing increase downstream medical costs?

Brigham Women's Hospital |
March 2018
Press Release

“Whole genome sequencing is coming of age, but there’s fear that with these advancements will come rocketing health care costs,” said lead author Kurt Christensen, MPH, PhD, an instructor of medicine in the Division of Genetics at BWH. “Our pilot study is the first to provide insights into the cost of integrating whole genome sequencing … Continued